visual artist, story teller, weaver of web

“My hope is to inspire others to consider their own personal journey and its important connection to self-expression...”

Paula Timm

These words seem to have typed themselves as I pondered what my new title should be as I embarked on my creative career in 2013.  After twenty years of corporate work, chronic illness and a life changing surgery, I was ready to commit to a creative joyful life.

Since that moment, and over the past 10 years, I have been cultivating my own art practice, honing my skills and connecting with community through words and art.

I have a passion for sharing the connection between wellness and creative expression. Art has helped me to heal and gifted me a renewed purpose. Diagnosed with an auto-immune disease in my 20's (and undergoing a life changing surgery at age 38), I sought out creativity to navigate the emotional toll of sickness and uncertainty. I am celebrating my 13th year living her creative joyful life!

I am grateful to form connections with artists, businesses, schools and not-for-profit organizations to foster community engagement initiatives that promote wellness through creativity. Both as a cathartic and creative pursuit, I thrive in Canada's arts and culture community. 

“We have such tough inner critics which hold us back from expressing - be it through art, words, or emotions. I want to inspire others to connect with their own self expression.”

— Paula Timm

moments in the press

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

curriculum vitae

in case you are wondering what I have been up to!